What is UKPressOnline
UKPressOnline is a professional online research facility for the public, business, re-publishers and Education and Library researchers who want to retrieve as-published pages from the back catalogues of some of the world's leading newspaper titles, including the Daily Express. UKPressOnline is what the publishers, themselves, use to search their own archives!
Save time on research
UKPressOnline has the back catalogue of the Daily Express and other major titles, so there's no need to search through offline archives. Just type in your search and let UKPressOnline do the rest.
Easy to use
When you search for a story or headline in the text of the pages - or you can search by date alone - your results are returned to you as either Tiff or pdf full-page files, in which the design and content reflects that of the original printed version of the newspaper.
No waiting around
As a subscriber you can download the pdf file, so there's no waiting around for re-scans: with UKPressOnline, the page you need is just a click away.
Students, staff and Library members
Many universities, colleges, schools and public libraries already subscribe to our archives. If yours doesn't have a subscription, we offer up to a month's free trial to any Education or Library institution: UKPressOnline is a member of JISC Collections. For more information, contact info@ukpressonline.co.uk.
UKPressOnline, the fast, accurate, easy way to access the archives of some of the world's famous newspapers, is provided by Digitorial Ltd, under licence from, Express Newspapers Ltd and other publishers.